

Since Story Time was a bust, we decided to try a Gymboree Play & Learn class.  It was the complete opposite of Story Time.  We had so much fun.  There were only 2 other little boys in the class, one with their mom and the other with his grandmother.  Our teacher, Ms. Colleen, was great!  Baby Boy liked her so much.  He even gave her a hug at the end of class.

Some of Baby Boy’s favorite activities were riding the “pumpkin train.”  It was basically a 3ftx4ft board with wheels with pumpkins on it that Ms. Colleen pulled around the room.  Baby Boy also enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and generally exploring all the toys and equipment.

They had a catwalk type thing that was about 4ft high that we set the boys on with a bucket of balls.  They had a blast throwing the balls over the side.  Then Ms. Colleen turned a plastic tunnel into a “basket” and let them try to toss the balls in.

We also had fun with bubbles and a parachute, but I think Baby Boy’s most favorite was when Ms. Colleen turned on the music, passed out rattles, and everyone shook their sillies out.  Baby Boy was very disappointed when the song was over.

Overall it was a great class and we’re looking forward to going back next week!

2 responses »

  1. Happy to hear that you and Baby Boy enjoyed the Gymboree class. My daughter teaches classes at Gymboree in Portland. Love the pictures of Baby Boy. He’s getting so big!

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